Looking for a way to have football scores on the go and have an iPhone? If so, give ESPN’s Score Center a try.

As you can see in [Screenshot 1] you can pick your favorite competitions based on countries, leagues, UEFA and FIFA cups,…you can even add other sports such as tennis, basketball, boxing, MMA, hockey, rugby (and that other version with pads 😉 ) to name a few.
The app allows you to select your favorite teams so that their matches are visually more noticeable and easily located. You can also set up alerts for your teams; single games or breaking news. It’s an amazing app that simply works and provides the latest football info in the palm of your hand. On the other hand, there’s always room for improvement and the major one I’m looking forward in future releases is integration of video highlights which I’m sure is not far behind.
Once you select the game of choice [Screenshot 2] you will see a breakdown of the most important info such as ball possession, cards, who scored and when along several other items. Everything is visible on one screen and very nicely formatted. But the app doesn’t stop there…if you want more info, just click on “Recap”.
Clicking onto “Recap” as pictured in [Screenshot 3] will provide a brief summary of the game; timeline of the match and placements of shots and goals. Everything you need (except the above mentioned video highlights) is available in this app and it is all FREE!
In summary, a very useful app to keep track of scores of your favorite teams when away from television or a quality internet stream. If you know of other great apps please let me know.
Note: ESPN’s ScoreCenter app is also available for Android based devices on Android Market.